by Admin | Sep 1, 2016 | News, Source Fire News
Government ministers have been heavily criticised after quietly abandoning the requirement for fire sprinklers to be fitted in new schools, in what has been called a “retrograde step” by fire chiefs according to The Independent. An update to the Department of...
by Admin | Sep 1, 2016 | News, Source Fire News
The fire brigade is urging home owners to have life-saving smoke alarms fitted as new figures show they were missing in a third of fatal fires according to Mains powered domestic smoke alarm, Credit: Press Association The largest report into such incidents in...
by Admin | Dec 20, 2015 | News, Source Fire News
Earlier this month, a fire ripped through student flats in Bristol where around 120 students lived. More than 40 firefighters tackled the blaze as it took hold of the building and completely destroyed the roof. No students were harmed, but all have had to be rehoused...
by Admin | Dec 18, 2015 | News, Source Fire News
Finding the must-have Christmas present of 2015 may soon be impossible, but not because it’s sold out. The hoverboard, or self-balancing scooter, is at the centre of a dozen fire investigations by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and in the...
by Admin | Nov 30, 2015 | News
Understanding the importance of what a fire hazard is will save lives. Therefore fire prevention should be a top priority in your home. Cooking and kitchen equipment is the top cause of house fires. Here is a list of hazards to look out for and how to prevent them...