When fire strikes it is important to get out of the building as quickly as you can, in the safest possible manner. Knowing what to do in an emergency could make the difference to your survival, and that of others you are taking care of, so it is an important aspect of your home and work that you need to place a keen interest in.
Test Alarms – One of the first things you can do is to test the fire and smoke alarms in your home or workplace to check that they are fully functioning. If a fire starts, you need to know your alarm systems have you covered and that you’re alerted immediately.
Plan Your Escape – When you first move into a new place, look around the property and seek the fire safety information that should be provided. Work out how long it will take you to get through a fire escape and to safety, and the best routes from different parts of the building.
Designate Roles – If you live with your family, or with other people, give certain people roles (and backup roles) for the worst case scenario. So if there are children living with you, know exactly what to do, and who will get them out of the building if a fire occurs.
Source Fire provides expert fire safety training and risk assessments for properties. If you need help working out the best fire escape plans for your property, give us a call and we’ll be happy to help.