by Admin | Aug 2, 2016 | News, Prosecutions, Source Fire News
A landlord who failed to provide proper fire protection for his tenants was fined £4,000 and ordered to pay £1,500 in costs (Tuesday 26 July 2016) after pleading guilty to three charges under the Housing Act 2004 at Hammersmith Magistrates’ Court according to Royal...
by Admin | Jun 14, 2016 | News, Prosecutions
A Chichester restaurant has been fined thousands of pounds after being prosecuted for breaching fire safety laws according to Chichester Observer. The Wildwood restaurant chain plead guilty to four charges under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 following...
by Admin | Jun 13, 2016 | News, Prosecutions
A Milton Keynes guest house owner has been fined nearly £25,000 for serious breaches of fire safety regulations according to Ms Nicole Harris, owner and responsible person of a house providing letting accommodation at 2 Titchmarsh Court, Oldbrook, appeared...
by Admin | Mar 30, 2016 | News, Prosecutions, Source Fire News
The operators of a Wearside care home have been left with a £400,000 bill for five breaches of fire safety regulations, uncovered after a blaze in a resident’s bedroom. Shaftesbury Care Group Ltd, which runs Donwell House Care Home in Washington, was fined...
by Admin | Feb 2, 2016 | News, Prosecutions
Housing manager Lewisham Homes has been fined £40,000 and ordered to pay £23,407 prosecution costs for breaking fire safety laws following a fatal fire in a Deptford tower block in which two women died according to London Fire Brigade. Lewisham Homes were sentenced at...